Sunday, November 18, 2012

What exactly is saline inflation and how is it done?

For those who don't know or don't know the finer details of what saline inflation is lemme clarify what it is with this FAQ list.

Other names: scrotal infusion, saline inflation, saline expansion 

1. Q: How is it done? A: With an IV set and saline.

2. Q: Why would anyone do this? A: Well different people do it for different kicks! Some people like the BDSM part of infusing to enlarge certain body parts of a sub and/or the sub may also like giving that kind of control to somebody. For others like this blogger, It can be about a hyper "inflated" sense of masculinity and power. Or also for the shock value, to set yourself apart from "the crowd". Some women may like the fact that their man's balls are constantly rubbing or boucing off their clits during sex and their penis can thicken a lot too. Or they may just wanna enlarge their breasts themselves with it! :)

3. Q: Isn't it dangerous?  A: Saline is completely safe itself of course there are risks always when it comes to needles. However, if the proper precautions are taken safely and diligently, then those risks are extremely minimalized.  Basically rule #1 BE STERILE!!!! Keep your environment sterile. have hand sanetizer on you at all times, use isopropyl alcohol, sterile equipment, etc. Also avoid your ACTUAL BALLS! You just wanna pierce through the sac itself.

4. Q: So the saline makes your balls huge after?  A: NOPE, sorry to burst your bubbles. Saline makes your actual sac huge, not your balls. Your sac thickens up and expands as it absorbs the saline even though it looks like your balls are expanding. 

5 Q: What's this I hear about people infusing dextrose/glucose??? A: Well I've done it too. Dextrose/glucose is sugar. And you can order iv bags mixed with that sugar. It basically makes your sac expand for 2 hours after infusing by making your body for water to that area to dilute that amount of sugar in your sac. WARNING: This is not safe! Especially if you are diabetic or predisposed to diabetes! Be fair warned its not like eating sugar. It's more like putting it almost directly into your bloodstream which doesnt breakdown sugar like our stomachs do. BE FAIR WARNED.

6: How is it done?  A: Well Though I don't wanna post my material on here because this is more of a tribute type blog. Here is a informational diy video I made a while back to help others do this safely and prevent injury. Sorry for the bad quality. But I have an updated version I'm working on now. ENJOY!

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